Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday, December 5, 2008

Ideas for the Russell Library

I work at the Richard Russell Library -- a political archives at the University of Georgia which serves as a center for research and study of the modern American political system. I primarily work on developing new exhibits for our gallery space and public programs that engage our visitors.

Until recently, comment cards or books have been the primary way that most museums and galleries have solicited feedback from visitors. But a new wave of online crowd-sourcing widgets, available at minimal to no cost, are enabling a wide range of institutions to gather "customer" feedback online (see this Museum 2.0 post for further explanation). With this in mind, we've put up such a tool to collect ideas for upcoming exhibits (and the like) at the Russell. Ours is through Crowdsound.

The tool is easy to use, and allows visitors to post suggestions & to comment on the suggestions of others -- no sign-in is required, so the whole process is quick and painless -- and helpful! So, if you have a minute, stop by and tell us what you think!
Just go to: or click the image above!

Last pictures

Just playing around now -- putting up some pictures from the Clemson - Georgia Tech game in October....check the album out by clicking the photo below.

New Adventures!

Inspired by some of the blogging i've been doing with my new job at the Russell Library, I've decided to start posting some things on my own! Finding my voice....stay tuned.